Monday, October 8, 2012

The Harvest is Already Ripe Christian Art Drawing by Bertram Poole

Jesus began to speak about how to look at the world. He said, "You look at the world in one way; I look at the world in another. You say there are four more months to harvest, but for Me the harvest is already ripe. I am already reaping"
Those with Him looked at things from a purely natural point of view, because they said, "It is not yet time for harvest."

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The First Passover Christian Art Sketch by Bertram Poole

The father of the house has killed the lamb and carefully put the blood in the basin.  Now using a bunch of hyssop he applies the blood to the doorposts and the lintel while the children look on.  His wife prepares the unleavened bread in the background.

Now, as long as they stay in the house and do not cross the threshold, they are protected.  When death sees the blood it "passes over" that house.

What is significant is that if an Isrealite had not heeded the warning and not applied the blood or ventured out from it's protection, he would have died, just the same as the Egyptians.

Jesus died on the eve of Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) and the Scriptures clearly state that He is our Passover Lamb, so His Blood protects us from spiritual death.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Soul escaped like a Bird from the Snare of the Fowler Christian Art Painting by Bertram Poole

The birds escape from the trap.  But some are caught in it. The fortunate ones escape to freedom and Life.
The bait stick lying beside the trap has served it's purpose - called the 'scandallon" - the hunter puts the bait on this stick. As the bait is taken the trap is activated.

According to John Bevere, who wrote the book "The Bait of Satan" the Greek word for temptation or offence is "scandalon". So, the bait of the evil one is to pull us into his captivity.

When we take offence and do not forgive we activate the trap. The more we keep justifying the offence, by how badly we were treated, the more difficult it is to forgive.  I have to pray to God saying I forgive "so and so" as an act of my will. Further, I turn my back on this unforgiving attitude and forgive as I would want Him to forgive me!  I pray for the persons who offended me, asking God to bless them. In this way the offence is released and I am free.

Notice, five birds escape.  The number Five in the Bible usually speaks of a small number which represents high value, just recompense, bounteous reward and God's Grace.

Nine birds remain trapped.  Nine represents the number of judgment and finality.

So the choice is not too difficult, is it?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Finding Hidden Treasure in a Field Christian Art Painting by Bertram Poole

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.  When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Here the man is admiring and inspecting the treasure which was hidden in the hedge behind.

We are the treasure and Jesus gave up all He had in order to purchase us for the Kingdom of God.

Be encouraged that you are very special and are a special treasure.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bridge between Life and Death Christian Art Sketch by Bertram Poole

Because of Adam's act of high treason, the entire human race is destined to die.  Problem is we are composed of 3 parts; spirit, soul and body.  We all know what happens to the body sooner or later.  Of course, the soul (the mind) follows the body.  To many it may be a surprise - the spirit part of you lives forever!

In this life we must choose where our spirit will spend eternity.  Originally, the lake of fire was reserved for the evil one and his agents because of his rebellion in Heaven.  The root of this rebellion was pride followed by an attempted mutiny.  People who support the enemy will join him.

This simplistic picture loudly points to the way of Life.  See the two happy people!

To some the picture might be nothing more than a fairy tale.  They may ask me what my stand is on the tooth mouse!  Nevertheless, it is easy to know the Truth.

Majority of people move through this life and essentially fall off the cliff.  A few find the Bridge.

In the Shadow of the Cross Christian Art Painting by Bertram Poole

Here the Cross stands as a beacon indicating the end of an era and casting a shadow over milestones which point to it as a necessity as well as introducing the concept of sacrifice to atone for sin.

Adam and Eve missed the mark and sold out the human race to evil, comitting high treason.  Nevertheless, God supplied clothing in the form of animal skins obtained form an innocent animal which He killed.  Already at this early moment the stage was set for the Cross.

Next in the picture is the amazing scene where God has asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  Here God was testing Abraham (who was in blood covenant with God) to see if he would be willing to accede to God's request that he sacrifice Isaac, his only son.  This is the love of God, that He (Jesus - here described as an Angel of the Lord) stopped Abraham just in time and pointed to a ram with it's horns caught in the thorns as a substitute sacrifice.

This action by Abraham paved the way for God to sacrifice His only Son.  It is astounding that this all took place on or near the hill where Jesus was crucified so many years later.  The detail boggles the mind, because when He was crucified, He was wearing a crown of thorns!

The yellow glo is from the Heavenly Jerusalem which, in this picture, points to the future - when God will live with us and we will see Him.

Much has been left out of the picture, but it does show how the Cross was anticipated.  It represents a solution to God's epic battle with evil and gives us the opportunity to become children of God by faith in Jesus as the Perfect Sacrifice.

Anyone born of Adam automatically has the sinful nature and the destiny is eternal dying.  By faith in Jesus, God adopts you into His family where the destiny is eternal life.

Jesus Saving Peter Christian Art Painting by Bertram Poole

The disciples sit awestruck in the boat having witnessed Peter walk on the water towards Jesus and then suddenly he starts sinking and shouts "Lord save me." Jesus immediately puts out His Hand and pulls Peter up! Apart from the disiples, bouncing in the boat on the rough sea, other witnesses are the forces of darkness which have whipped up the wind and the water to frighten Peter -  here represented by dark eerie shapes in the waves and the sky.  The light from heaven illuminating Jesus is indicative of His pushing back the darkness and showing his disciples more of Himself and His mission to bring Light into a dark world.